We are so excited that the state of the world is allowing us to gather again and share special experiences! If you have any special questions or concerns about precautions, please feel free to contact us.

A BRMS representative will contact you once you have completed registration.

teens standing on stage performing music as a rock band

Sign up your turkeys for our annual Thanksgiving Holiday Turkey Jam Camp! This camp includes 3 days of music instruction, fun activities, and a performance at Curbside Burgers! Sing with friends, discover new instruments, be in a band!

10-17 (younger by assessment)


No refunds or make ups for missed days. Camp tuition non-refundable if notice of cancelation is not given 1 week prior to camp.


Monday, Nov. 20, Tuesday, November 21, and Wednesday, November 22

All camps run from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. FREE EARLY DROP OFF (8:30 am) & LATE PICK UP (4 pm)

Registration is on a first come first served basis and is considered complete once both registration form AND camp tuition has been paid. Due to spatial restrictions at our new Government Street location, we can only allow a maximum of 15 campers per day. We sincerely apologize, but we cannot hold spots for anyone for any camp.